Graphic Note-taking

Graphic note-taking or Graphic Recording
is the latest way of recording ideas at conferences and meetings. The speaker is accompanied by a Graphic Note-taker (cartoonist) who illustrates the speech notes in real time for all the audience to see during the speech.

VIRTUAL GRAPHIC NOTE TAKING If you're not able to have a live audience or your location is remote then your graphic note taker can attend virtually working over which ever platform your Hybrid or Virtual event is using.

The digital aspect also means you can distribute copies of the work instantaneously to any location without extra costs or time involved.


This is a very effective way of enhancing what could otherwise be an uninspiring lecture, and at the same time sparking creative ideas and encouraging audience engagement. Visualising ideas greatly increases memory retention, and the final result provides a quick reference to all the key notes.

Email Rick to find out the various ways Graphic Recording can work at your event.